Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Three months to go!

Well, if you follow this blog you will come along with me as I open my first retail location. What started out as a whim about ten years ago when all the women in my family gave each other candles for Christmas and I calculated what had been spent; I just knew I could save us all a bunch of money by just making them myself. Did I know anything about making candles? Hell no, but how hard could it be? Melt some wax, add some oil and presto right? Well thousands of dollars and several years of trial and error later, Luminarias was born and being sold at Gift Shows and candle parties around town(One day I will tell you how I came up with that name. I would even send a free candle to anyone who could come up with the inspiration first). So then I get the brilliant idea to open a shop; a candle and gift shoppe! Documents have been signed, permits have been granted, construction is under way, candles are being poured daily and merchandise is taking over my home. And just for the hell of it I agreed to be at one of our area malls for a special Mother's Day Showcase which runs for four days just weeks before our grand opening. I hope you check back from time to time; I'll post pictures of the shop itself through various stages as well as merchandise and displays, so come along as I travel the miles I must go before I sleep~


  1. Your blog site is lovely.
    Kathy with BasilandThings

  2. Great blog, and good luck!

  3. You're going to be taking me down memory lane and I can't wait to read more!
